Friday, July 31, 2009

We have a winner.....

once again people....
if this was FINAL JEOPARDY........
and I was a "dick" like the studly Alex Trebek pictured above....
You would all be going home bigger losers than you already are!!

"FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUn at the Ol' Ball Park!!".......William Ligue Jr. (9/2002)

But...Since Colonel Jim Farrell spelled "Ligue" will be counted as a win! Your GRAND PRIZE will be arriving shortly.

YES....Mr. William Ligue JR. was the winning answer this week (pictured above with his son Billy Ligue III). Wesley Wedel was a good and funny guess....but not a winner.

Funny what a shopping excursion to the GAP did for Mr. Ligue's image. He was able to beat the (1) count of Mob Action and the (3) counts of Aggravated Battery and get only 30 months probation without any jail time.....and KC Royals 1st base coach Tom Gamboa is still walking around saying "Huh??? SPEAK UP!"

But....all's well that end's well.....Mr. Ligue is currently incarcerated due to a violation of his parole by breaking into an automobile in 2006.
He is up for parole this coming January 2010.

Just in time for SOX FEST!


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