Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trivia Tuesday!!

Holy Burt Ward Batman.....
It's time for another Trivia Tuesday!!

First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com to correctly name the gentleman riding shotgun in the Batmobile above....will be this week's GRAND PRIZE winner and have TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!

  • He was on the first 45 record I bought way back in 1968.....I still have it.
  • Can play many instruments including banjo!
  • Has worked as a basketball coach to make ends meet.
  • Part time advice columnist.
  • Dave tried to get him a date....married 3 times.
  • Contributed to a George Harrison movie soundtrack.
  • Turned down big bucks for a McDonalds commercial....(he's a vegan)

Nashville, TN

Monday, November 29, 2010

Commercial of the Week!!

....never say no to Panda!

Nashville, TN

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why I hate T.V........

.....wait till they get the tax bill.

Nashville, TN

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Norm.....




......pretty cool behind the scenes.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Can you say BACK to BACK?!?!?!?....and a CHA...CHA...CHA!

So I'll give you all some credit.....
I had some close calls and some guesses from left field....
but no winning combos...
so I will keep the GRAND PRIZE this week!!

Arnold Palmer and Norman Rockwell....on their bike ride!?!
(Arnold was at Norman's home to do a sitting for a portrait)

Mr. Biker on the left......Arnold Palmer.

--made less than $2 million over the course of his professional golfing career...but does quite well on other ventures such as commercials/golf course designs and apparel sponsorships.

--Co-founded the Golf Channel.

--The Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children is a 158-bed pediatrics hospital facility located in Orlando, Florida, United States. It was ranked as one of the nation's Top 30 pediatric hospitals for heart care and heart surgery by U.S. News & World Report.

--The "Arnold Palmer" drink is a 50/50 mix of Lemonade and Ice Tea....which he developed back in his early days of golfing.....Arizona Tea markets it now...and it is hard to find.....one of Danny's favorite drinks....but none available in Macomb. The "Arnold Palmer" mixed with alcohol is called the "John Daly"!!

Mr. Biker on the right.... Norman Rockwell.

--was eventually allowed to enter the Navy but only after gaining the 7 pounds needed in less than 2 hours of flunking by eating large quantities of bananas....donuts....and water. Became an art editor of the Navy's magazine.

--the Norman Rockwell Museum is in Stockbridge, MA.....a must visit someday.

--had a small part in the 1966 movie "Stagecoach"

--was inpired by FDR's "Four Freedom's" speech in 1941 and came up with a 4 poster set to encourage Americans to buy War Bonds. This poster series help raise over $130 million dollars.

Rockwell was a pretty interesting character......he will be featured more tomorrow.

OK...OK....only being fair here.....
My "Flirtin' With Disaster" Days


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Tofurky!!


.......in case you're looking for a little night cap.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


....hoping you're having a better day than Mr. Martin.

Anderson, IN

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Trivia Tuesday Twofer.....

Ok kids...last challenge before your Turkey!

First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com to correctly name the two pedalling gents above,
will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days.

Mr. Biker on the left....
  • Lifetime earnings "in his profession" has been less than $2 mill over 53 years.....but rakes in tens of millions a year in other ventures.
  • He co-founded a cable channel.
  • Has a hospital named after him.
  • He is a pilot.
  • Kids are crazy about "his" drink!
  • Has a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Mr. Biker on the right.....

  • Tried to enter the U.S. Navy.....but was initially rejected due to being underweight.
  • Has his own museum.
  • Married 3 times.....twice to teachers.
  • From NYC
  • Had a small part in a Bing Crosby movie.
  • Single-handedly raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the WWII war effort.
  • Also owns a Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Greenfield, IN

Monday, November 22, 2010

Only 4 more days until.....

.....I will unveil my favorite Christmas songs.
(WLIT-FM has nothing on me...)

Sing along....
"Hey Uncle Marty...
it's an all night party....
and don't cha pour the drinks too strong!"

Jackson, MI

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Say Cheese.......

".....don't make me tickle you!"


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Where's O.S.H.A. when you need them.......

In the city of Tarragona, Spain,
Castellers gather every two years to see who can build the highest, most intricate human castles. This uniquely Catalan tradition requires astonishing strength, finesse, balance....and not to mention lots of red wine!!

I have an idea for the next McNally Picnic.....


Friday, November 19, 2010

You WISH you were the Wiener!!!


My week this week.....
you all were either too busy doing my Birthday shopping
(I need underwear)
....or bored.....
but no one got this week's answer....
Mr. Robert Edward "Ted" Turner III

Interesting life......even without Jane Fonda.

--His Birthday is today!! Happy 72!!
(he doesn't need underwear is my guess)

-- He managed the Atlanta Braves for 1 game in 1977....that's when MLB and Bowie Kuhn put in a mandate that any owner could not also manage.
(Braves lost to the Phillies)

--His dad committed suicide while Ted was in his early 20's...
Dad feared financial collapse and couldn't deal with the pressures. Ted was able to turn around the sagging Billboard Company and turn it into today's empire.

--Turner attended Brown University....but was expelled for bringing a female into the male dorms. He was given an honorary degree from Brown years later.

--Ted is THE LARGEST individual U.S. land owner....his 15+ ranches add up to almost 2,000,000 acres! His largest ranch in NM is over 900 square miles.

--Has been sailing since age 11....was the captain of the Brown Sailing Team in College....and won the America's Cup Race in 1977, on the cover of Sports Illustrated.

--TBS purchased Hanna Barbera (which owned The Flintstones)....in 1991.

--born in Cincinnati, OH.

Somerset Center, MI

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Somewhere Over The......

.....southside of Cleveland,
there is a Pot-o'-Gold!

Goodluck with that.....

Youngstown, OH

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


he's not Q-Tip....
or Snowball....
or Niko ......
it's officially "Angel".

Last Friday night.....
I got another email response to my "Lost/Found" post
on the Southern Illinois version of Craigslist.
This one was the real deal....
had all of the correct answers....
and lives just around the lake from where we are.

So that meant just one thing.....ROADTRIP!!
Katie & I picked him up early from Sandy & Sam's who hated to see him go....
they were great hosts for Angel's weeklong vacation in L-town.
Katie, Molly and even Erin (well kinda)
said their goodbyes....and off we went.

Me and the pooch....
(who really didn' fit in the backseat of the ol' Impala)
then headed south to return him home.
The first couple of hours were tough.....
because we constantly battled on who was going to drive....
but after that it was smooth sailing.

He was a little tired when we hit the homestead....and crashed immediately.

Great family with 4 small kids and another
Great Pyrenees dog (Angel's brother)
who all missed him greatly.
The dad and the two small boys came over for the reunion....
one of the son's birthday that day....great ending.
,,,,,,and we have visitation rights.

Youngstown, OH

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trivia Tuesday......

It is again Tuesday and time for another weekly stumper.
Sharpen your pencils kiddies......

First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com to correctly name the well groomed gentleman above will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
  • Former MLB Manager.....
  • His Granddad was a farmer who lost it all in the Great Depression....
  • His millionaire Dad had it all...but committed suicide.
  • He is a "third".....of what I can't tell you.
  • Kicked out of college before graduation.....smuggled a babe into his room.
  • "Owns".......land and sea.
  • Once owned Fred and Wilma....
  • Ohio native.....

Owensville, IN

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

We have a Wiener!!!!

This will wake you up!!

Molly Flynn was the first in this week with Phyllis Ada Driver (Diller)
Congrats and your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!

--Was "discovered" when she was a contestant on Groucho Marx's "You Bet Your Life"

--Didn't last too long on "What's my Line?"

--Gave Liberace a run for his money.....

Still laughing and tinkling the ivories at 93.

Marseilles, IL

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The "tail" of "Q-Tip".....

last weekend we were down in Marion,
and out from the woods comes this lost animal....
not sure initially if it was a wolf or coyote.....
but it was HUGE with back paws the size of a bears.

Very scared....dirty....and hungry.
We left him a bowl of water and dog food....
and after 10 minutes or so....
he got close enough to where he started eating and we started to clean him up.

Got all of the burrs....dead ticks...and branches out of his coat.....
tended to his cuts....cut all of the matted hair out....
and now we had a new "friend".
Q-Tip....Snowball.....Snow....Cottonball were all names designated to him.....
he now seemed more confused than ever!

Katie texted a photo to one of her friends....
who happened to know that this was a
"Great Pyrenees" dog...
and her grandmother used to have one until he died a few years ago.

He spent Saturday night (indoors) and followed me everywhere I went...
but that's what they do...... a great guard dog.

No barking.....
No #1's or #2's during his overnight stay.....
We posted a local "found" ad....
left a message with the local shelter (closed on Sunday)....
and spoke with the neighbors but no bites.

Sooooooooo.....time to go home and what to do?
Pick up the 120 lb dog and throw him in the back of the van
with Murphy for the ride back home to LPort.

The grandmother of Katie's friend heard the story....
and now Q-Tip has a new home!
(and a new name...."Niko")
She lives in LPort and the girls went over for a visit this afternoon.

Mar and the grandmother took Niko to the vet today to scan him for microchips.....
but nothing.
Still no answers to the posts.....
so I guess this is a good ending overall.

The girls found some cats last month.....
Q-Tip this month.......
I'm hoping for a Pygmy goat next time....
they don't bark either.

Jackson, MI

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

40 years ago today!!

I woke up here in the morning.....

Went to bed here that night....

Click on picture to see the Google Map that my Mom didn't give me back in 1970.

I have nightmares even today......that I go to the Kolin house after school......
and they moved again....without telling me.

(I need help.....)

Edinburgh, IN

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Trivia Tuesday

Here we are....another Tuesday....another twisted picture.

First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com to correctly name the starlet above...
will with this week's GRAND PRIZE and have TT bragging rights for the next 7 days.

  • Ohio native who studied piano for years at a Music Conservatory in Chicago.
  • Gave up on her musical career after feeling inadequate in her abilities.
  • Accomplished painter....
  • Married/divorced twice....husband #2 turned out to be gay.
  • 6 children....3 who died before her....and 1 who is schizophrenic.
  • "Discovered" while a contestant on a game show....
  • Posed for Playboy magazine....
  • Starred on Broadway....television and movies.

Marseilles, IL

Monday, November 8, 2010

Movie Night......

Last Sat night....
Went to see "MegaMind" with Mar and the kids.
First time to a movie theatre for me since "Jaws"....
overall good time....computer animation is an amazing art!
Graphics are so real that you forget you are watching an
animated feature....much better on the big screen.
Pretty funny stuff...
although not as good as my all time favorite...
"Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs"

Now....the purpose of today's Blog....
I'm not sure if I was just tired....
or slaphappy....or both....
but this "Coming Soon" trailer kills me!!
Imagine the "staring contest" on the big screen....

Princeton, WI

Sunday, November 7, 2010

You gotta love GOOGLE!!

View Larger Map

View larger map....and look at direction #43.


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Commercial of the Week!!

.....stick with this one!


Friday, November 5, 2010

We Have a Wiener!!!!

Mr. Daniel McNally.......
dialing in this week from Macomb, IL
(in between classes and bomb threats)
was in with the first correct answer.....CONGRATS!!
Leslie Lynch King, Jr.
(aka Gerald R. Ford....pictured above with his "really Secret Service")
Pretty interesting life story......too much to print here..
but click here.....

--not "elected" to Vice-President or President for that matter.
--played against the Bears in a 1935 exhibition game.....
(as a member of the Collegiate Football Team.....center for University of Michigan)
-- once shot a "hole-in-one"
--worked as a Yellowstone Park Ranger....
--survived 2 assassination attempts to become the longest living US President before passing on the day after Christmas at age 93, in 2006.
(Harry Truman also died on the same day in 1972)
--was appointed to the Warren Commission by LBJ....
(his role was to prepare a biography of Lee Harvey Oswald)
--later commented that.....
"the CIA destroyed or kept from investigators critical secrets connected to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy"

mmmmmmmmmmm.......will never know!
(Somebody get Wikileaks on that!)

Terre Haute, IN

Thursday, November 4, 2010

You know you're in Northern Michigan when.....

either Deer Season has started in Michigan......

.....or this guy hit this one "just right"

South on M-127 @ 70mph

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Kinda Town......

Today's Topic:

State Street entrance to Marshall Fields.....1909

HW kickin' back.....

Old vs. New.....

14 floors of stockroom.....back before Fed-Ex......
all but 1 was vacant when I was there.

The original text message.....brings news of RFK's death.
Gaston, IN

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trivia Tuesday.....

Welcome to a SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE of Trivia Tuesday.....
First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com to correctly name the candidate above will be this week's GRAND PRIZE winner and have TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!!

  • No election needed for this gentleman....
  • Born in Nebraska....spent some of his early childhood in Oak Park, IL
  • Was an Eagle Scout....
  • Played against the Bears at Soldier Field....
  • Once was a fashion model
  • Worked as a Park Ranger in one of our National Parks.
  • Knew Lee Harvey inside and out.....

  • Marty
    Traverse City, MI

    Monday, November 1, 2010

    Mart & Nan's Excellent Adventure......

    Picked up Mom at the Carbondale train on Friday afternoon.........
    The deal was.....she rakes the leaves and I supply the black hotdogs!!
    Good times ensued.....

    After only "minutes" on rake duty.....Mom was promoted to the Leaf Blower!!

    She was like the Energizer Bunny.....she just kept blowing...and blowing....
    I think I know what to get her for Christmas!
    70 MPH winds earlier in the week....combined with trees
    left her a foot of leaves to start with.......better than snow I guess!!

    Phase I of the backyard project.....the 3' of leaves and branches that I started with back in February is now gone.....grass is starting to grow.....and this rock garden was unearthed.
    Had no idea that this even existed a few months ago.....72 tulips are now sleeping.

    After 72 tulips......and a couple tons of leaves.....
    we were too tired to go out and eat.
    A couple of PB&J sandwiches and a World Series game.....
    and to bed by 10:30!
    Marseilles, IL