The timing couldn't have been any better.....
the first real hot, 90*+ Summer Day and our Annual Tonelli/St. Charles BLOCK PARTY......
early morning rains cleared out just in time....
and the hot breezes were just right for a party......Good time had by all.

Lockport Fire Truck and Ambulance showed up and gave us a show.

Fortunately....they did not have to return before the party came to a close!!

The 3 Amigos.....after a wet jousting match.

What's a Block Party without a water balloon contest......

Mike holding on for another round......

Hoping for the payoff splat-in-your-face-shot.....but Joe hangs on to live another round.

Organized chaos!!

worth every freeking penny today!!
Kids were on this from 10am until 11pm. The best part is that it is not being picked up until Monday.....so 15 half-drunken neighbors dragged this from St. Charles all the way down the street to my front lawn at the end of the party.
I wish I had a picture.
If you're in the neighborhood on Sunday...stop by......Surfs Up!!

Danny and Nick prepping for the big Bags Contest ......$$ and bragging rights until next year!!

Jumbo Jousting Cage....complete with Jumbo Q-Tips and over sized Boxing Gloves!!

Even more challenging when squirted down with a wet hose.....
(Did I mention that the ambulance did not have to come back?)

Sorry Son......you must be 16 or older to get into the Bags Contest!!

And they're off.......
Pay your money....we pick your partner.....
good way to meet a neighbor....and/or piss one off if you beat them!!
Over 40 people in this year's battle of the bags!

Charlies Angels.....with future Angel in tow.

Hey Dad.....look what Uncle Brian taught me!!

Angela....Steve.....Ed and Craig take home 1st & 2nd in the Bags Contest!!
They will surely report all of their winnings to the IRS!
(Last names are left off to protect me.)

Mucho Liquor + Oversized Boxing Gloves
= Time for Bed!
Great way to end the day!
"It's Midnight......do you know where your neighbors are?"
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