Chicago's 16th MAYOR.....
"Long" John Wentworth.
Your GRAND PRIZE will be arriving shortly....after I take Katie's new Back-to-School shoes back to Wal*Mart for a refund......hope you ENJOY!
"Long" John Wentworth....
- Was born in Sandwich, New Hampshire in 1815...
- Came to Chicago back in 1836 when Chicago's population was only about 5,000 people.
- Was the editor of Chicago's first newspaper the "Chicago Democrat" (probably the same circulation numbers as the modern day Tribune)
- Stood 6'6" and weighed over 300 lbs thus deserving of the prefix "Long"
- Personal friend of our 16th President.....Abe Lincoln.
- Served 6 terms as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives...some as a Democrat and some as a Republican.
- While in the House, a controversial vote arose by which Wisconsin claimed land in Illinois as far as the tip of Lake Michigan. If Wentworth voted to give the land, including Chicago, to Wisconsin, he was promised a Senate seat. Wentworth declined the offer....thus saving you from Cheese-head status.
- Served 2 terms as Mayor (Republican)....running a tight ship, instituting "chain gangs" to clean up the city while closing down the ever popular brothels. Hired spies to tell him who was frequenting the brothels....and cracked the whip!
- Was married to Roxanna LOOMIS.
- His "cool" Country Estate was 5,000 acres of land at 5441 South Harlem Ave, (probably smelled better because it was pre-Argo) which is now part of Summit and Garfield Ridge. His original house was torn down in the mid-60's to make way for the Garfield Ridge home explosion.
- Famous quote while running for Mayor...(probably after his daily whiskey)
"You damned fools. You can either vote for me for mayor or you can go to hell!"

Coal Valley, IL
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