Friday, October 2, 2009

We have a Weiner.....

First one in this past Tuesday was....SHARON MCNALLY!!
She correctly named Mr. "One Plate"...W.C.Fields...
and Mr. "Two Plate"...Groucho Marx.
GREAT JOB....and your GRAND PRIZE will be arriving shortly.

MR. "TWO PLATE"......Groucho Marx.....

  • One of the Marx Brothers Comedy Team
  • Once pointed his finger, like a six-shooter, at Elton John, who commented "Don't Shoot Me....I'm Only The Piano Player". This line turned into the title Elton's #1 album of 1973.
  • Queen's two huge albums from the 70's...."A Night at the Opera" & "A Day at the Races" were both named after two Marx Brothers films.
MR. "ONE PLATE"........W.C. Fields....

  • On the cover of the Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper" album.
  • Turned down the role of the Wizard in the "Wizard of Oz".
  • Fields' next-door neighbor, Anthony Quinn's 2-year-old son, drowned in Field's lily pond during a social call.


Coal Valley, IL