Friday, February 5, 2010

We Have a Wiener!!!

Now here's a "feel-good" story....

After weeks and weeks of trying to win TT...
and then having to overcome the hurdle of her company's IT department
cutting off TT from her computer....
Maggie Pollard took it upon herself to buy a pack of cigs....start smoking...and along with the help of her I-phone...took a smoke break at precisely 10am on Tuesday morning.....and WALA.....she is this week's Trivia Tuesday WIENER!!
Congratulations Maggie....your GRAND PRIZE will be in your mailbox soon...and you will see that it was worth the wait and the cancerous risk of smoking.

"Sir" Alfred Hitchcock.....was this week's correct answer.
--attended St. Ignatius College in LONDON.
--Won an Honorary Oscar for his directing...not an actor but does appear in several of his movies in cameo roles.
--Walt Disney banned him from filming a segment for his television show....after finding out that Hitchcock directed "Psycho"
--Hosted the television show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" in the late 50's/early 60's
--Maggie's fav film is "Notorious"....mine is "North by Northwest"......yours?

Marion, IL

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