Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Trivia Tuesday Quartet......
I was told this past weekend......
that my TT pics have been "soft" lately...
So here goes.....
first email to to correctly,
NOT ONLY name the 4 gentlemen above...
BUT you also must tell me what these 4 gentleman have in common.
- all 4 have shared the same address...but that is not the answer.
- all 4 have had similar jobs.....but that too is not the answer.
- all 4 apparently don't like to smile when having their picture taken....or painted for that matter.
Bloomington, IL
Monday, June 28, 2010
5 days after Nagasaki......
Home movies from almost 65 years ago.....
shot along Kalakaua Ave. in Waikiki,
capturing spontaneous celebrations that broke out
upon first hearing news of the Japanese surrender.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Song of the week.......
Now that I am out of Effingham, IL....
I remembered this Ben Folds song from a few years back called
which was inspired by Effingham.
"Home of the Effingham Hearts H.S. Football Team"
...and if you don't own any Ben Folds....
go out and get some today.
You can thank me later.
Friday, June 25, 2010
We have a Wiener......
You either love him or hate him....
It doesn't matter to me as long as
you spell his name correctly.
Maggie Pollard was the first one in this week with none other than
Mr. Keith Olbermann!!
Your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!
...and I will try to get back on the winning track
next week!!
F-Nham, IL
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Macy's Parade reject.....
To assist U.S. troops in Afghanistan, the United States Army will build its LEMV surveillance ship. This surveillance airship is longer than a football field. It can carry 2,500-pounds while hovering 20,000-feet above sea level at a whopping 34 mph.
LEMV will sustain altitudes of 20,000 feet for a three-week period and it will operate within national and international airspace.
They are expected to go into use by the end of 2011.
Three ships will be made, and the Army will pay 517 million dollars for this project.
Maybe my favorite niece can bring her Uncle Marty one of these home
after her Lockheed-Martin summer internship is over....
just for a weekend.
They should have designed it to look like "Underdog".......
then again....
that is probably why I am not on a summer internship.
Effingham, IL
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Trivia Tuesday......
- Big baseball fan....
- Mother was hit in the head with a baseball at a MLB game...
- Related to Mike Tyson...(yes..."that" Mike Tyson)
- Wears a Size 14 shoe....
- Wrote his first book at age 14....
- Doesn't drive....
- Never kids...
- Once a voice in "The Family Guy"....
Effingham, IL
Monday, June 21, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day......
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
We Have a Wiener!!!
The Lakers win and so do I.....
I'm the big winner this week......
due to the fact that no one could put the ball through the hoop.
Ferdinand Lewis "Lew" Alcindor, Jr. was the answer
and although some were close....
there were no slam-dunks this week!
(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar....
even spelled correctly would not help this week)
Speaking of dunks.....
Dunks were banned in College Basketball for a time back in 1967 due to Mr. Goggles.
Speaking of Goggles....
He started to wear goggles due to one of his corneas being scratched during a game.
The Harlem Globetrotters offered him $1 million to come
play with them before heading into the NBA.
He spent some time with the Milwaukee Bucks before heading to the LA Lakers.
My favorite movie...."Airplane"
Currently fighting a rare strain of Leukemia.....smokes pot to quell his headaches.
Studied Martial Arts under Bruce Lee.
Better luck next week!!
Chicago, IL
Thursday, June 17, 2010
You know you're in Indiana.....
.....when you Dad pulls out your loose tooth with a rocket.
Linton, IN
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Video of the Week......
a music video with helpful tips.
Diggin' Darwin Deez.
Columbus, OH
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Trivia Tuesday......
Focus this week on the gentleman in the middle....
First email to to correctly name him
wins this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT bragging rights for the next 7 days...
- Almost a 13 lb baby at birth!
- Spent sometime in Milwaukee.
- Once offered a $1 million dollars to play for a novelty team.
- BIG fan of yoga.
- Acted in several movies and shows....
- Co-starred with everyone from Bruce Lee to Gary Coleman
- In one of my favorite movies of all time (not really a hint...but hey?)
- Smokes pot to relieve his migraines....(yeah right)
- I need correct spelling of name at time of picture.
English, IN
Monday, June 14, 2010
Song(s) of the Week.......
Just found my Louis Prima Greatest Hits CD
in the back of my glove compartment.....
Haven't turned on the radio in over a week.
If you don't have need to get it.
Linton, IN
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My Kind of Town........
Saturday, June 12, 2010
that he can fly out to Philly and catch Game 6 in Rocky Wirtz's box.
......and who paid for that?
I'm thinking about running for Governor on the "Common Sense" ticket....
Some others feeling the same........
Marion, IL
Friday, June 11, 2010
We have a Wiener!!!!
Maybe this week's wasn't as hard as I thought....
when I get 10 correct emails...
by 10:10am....
and they are all spelled correctly....
then it's time to sharpen my pencil and get tougher next week!
So watch out!
Maggie Pollard came in seconds in front of the pack
with the correct answer....Lou Piniella!!
Your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!
Today at 1:20pm officially kicks off summer....
Hawks are champs..
Parade is over...
Now it's time to focus on baseball....
except we are in the wrong city this year.
And as long as these two knuckleballers are managing....
there will be no baseball parade here for awhile!
I predict that this will be Lou & Ozzie's last year....
and good riddance!
This is just another reason why they need to go away...
Can you imagine Lee Elia & Tony LaRussa rapping?
Santa Claus, IN
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Get Out......
I know.....
it's almost 8 minutes....
it's in French....
it has subtitles....
...and yes I still think you'll like it!
Bellevue, MI
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Happy B-Day....CHA....CHA....CHA!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Trivia Tuesday......
First email to to correctly
name the gentleman above
will be this week's GRAND PRIZE winner
and have TT bragging rights for the next 7 days!
- Part owner of a Minor League Baseball Team....
- Self admitted pot smoker....
- Has done some color commentating....
- Owns a World Series ring....
- Middle name is Victor....
- Was an ALL-AMERICAN Basketball Player in H.S.
- Was an ALL-AMERICAN Baseball Player in College...
- Was Rookie of the Year...
- Played for 20 years!
- Married for over 40+ years!
Norton, Ohio
Monday, June 7, 2010
Happy B-Day....CHA....CHA....CHA.....
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Song of the Week......
Belmont Stakes...
--No Derby Winner running....?
--No Preakness Winner running...?
--Hot...Humid and maybe T-Storms by racetime...
--I like "Ice Box" (who Mom picked and "placed" in the Derby)
--Longshot...."Game On Dude"....18-1
....or better yet....
just pick a number between 1 and 12 and go bet!
Friday, June 4, 2010
We have a Wiener!!
Sticking with the North Carolina theme this week......
we have Mr. Andy Griffith as this week's answer......
with Mz. Molly Flynn coming in again with a back-to-back win!!
All Grand Prizes will be going out this weekend.....
so be on the lookout for the Brink's truck!!
(Extra Grand Prize if you can whistle the Matlock theme song....)
"Oh Andy".....
--Born in Mt. Airy North Carolina and currently
resides on the NC outer island of Manteo.
--Andy Griffith Parkway is a road near his hometown of Mt. Airy.
--Andy Griffith Signature Guitar is manufactered by Martin Guitars.
--Andy Griffith Playhouse is located in Mt. Airy
--Drove Ford's in both the Andy Griffith Show & Matlock.
--"Aunt Bee" eventually moved to North Carolina she liked it so much.
but doesn't sound as if she liked Andy too much.....
he was quoted as saying...
"There was just something about me that she just didn't like"
--Was asked by the Dems to run for Senator against Jesse Helms....
he declined.
North Carolina was pretty but glad to be "almost" home.
Waterloo, IN