25 years ago this week....
was the last time I "really" cared about the Bears.
We had just finished stomping our way through the playoffs...
The Superbowl Shuffle was in heavy rotation....
and we were on our way to New Orleans.
All led by our fearless leader.....
James Robert "Jim" McMahon, Jr.
Don't expect a repeat of all of that excitement this year...
as Sunday will be the last game of the year I'm afraid.
Congrats to John McNally...
for not only winning this week's TT....
but also waking my ass up out of bed this morning.
Patience my friend!
Your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!
--was in Iraq in 2006 on a visit to support the troops.
--hate to admit it....but he does have a Packer Super Bowl Ring too!!
--At the age of six, while trying to untie a knot in a toy gun holster with a fork, he accidentally severed the retina in his right eye when the fork slipped.
Danville, IL
....and to all of you Abe Gibron haters from a few weeks ago,
Stay tuned to tomorrow BLOG....
it a Bears Weekend!!
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