the high arching lob of the proverbial 16" softball pitch has been launched...
your job is to knock it out of the park and to beat Maggie Pollard!
....and you know how I like my full names!!
First email to unobuckeroo@aol.com that correctly names the mystery child above....
will be this week's GRAND PRIZE WINNER and
have TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
- Local girl who's Mom worked for Spiegel's.
- Pops was a City worker with the Water Dept.
- Too smart for 2nd Grade
- H.S Honor Roll all 4 years.
- She's 5'11"
- Excellent jump-roper
- likes the Dick Van Dyke Show
Buckley, MI
I NAILED this one!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again....it's not called Trivia Wednesday for a reason.
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