Friday, April 12, 2013


All I can say is that.....
you're all a bunch of losers
and don't know your Adlai's (I, II or III's)
from a hole in the ground.

--Mr. Roger Joseph Ebert was the
"Cub Reporter" in Tues pic.....
(not Chris O'Connor or John Tesh!!)


--Carey Estes Kefauver was the
"Man on the hot seat"

--U.S. Senator from Tennessee
--Carey sought the Presidential nomination twice (1952/1956)
--Was Adlai Stevenson II's VP running mate in 1956.
--Lost to Eisenhower and Nixon.
--Enacted laws to break up exorbitant profits rung up by
Drug Companies back in the early '60s.
Forced these companies to provide accurate information about new drugs and stopped cheap generic drugs being marketed as "break through" medication using a new trade name.
--Worked hard and partied harder.
Notorious drinker and smoker....
Feeling ill.... still went to work and
suffered a heart attack on the Senate floor......
died two days later at age 60.
Should have taken a couple of generic aspirin.

But don't you feel bad.....
even though you are a loser....
you now have something for your dinner party this weekend.

St. Louis, IL

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