Friday, December 4, 2009

Tenemos el Weiner....y Dia Siete

The answer to this week's TT was none other than Mr. Jimmy Hoffa....
pictured here with late Mayor Richard J. Daley.

He was born in Brazil, IN and resided for most of his life in the Detroit, MI area.....his middle name was "Riddle".....his first job was as a stock boy with Kroger's Grocery and actually organized his first strike while still in his teens....was pardoned by Richard Nixon (after receiving a substantial campaign donation from the Teamsters)....disappeared after a lunch date in the Detroit area and believed to be buried in an oil drum under the endzone of Giants Stadium.

Congratulations to Molly Maley who was the FIRST among many to email in the correct answer.....Your GRAND PRIZE will be in your mailbox shortly!!

Now back to vacation.....
bad news is that today we have to leave the Grand Mayan....
good news is that we are moving right down the beach for a couple more nights in a sweet condo. (More on that later.....)

Molly and I enjoying a Daddy/Daughter lunch after a grueling ceramic painting session.....

Here is Molly's finished product.....before of course the owners detail it and fire it up in the oven....we will pick up the finished-finished product in the morning.

And this is my finished product..... actually no.
I just sat in the lounge chair giving Molly moral and color support.
This one was completed by the owner.

Can you find the iguana?
He was next to my beer....and when I grabbed for it....
we scared the shit out of each other...
as I flew out of my lounge chair and he flew into the tree.

Overcast afternoon provided a nice sunscreen for Dan & Erin's game of beach volleyball....

For those vacationers from Indiana whose Hoosier physiques will not fit into the standard lounge chair.....there is a whole pool area with queen size beds. Hooisers here this week.

Dan and Erin seemingly have the entire Pacific Ocean
to roam on their jet-skis....
for 30 Mexican Minutos.....

Last night we attended the Mexican Fiesta....complete with food/drinks and entertainment. Above are the Mayan flag pole dancers who climb a 10-story flag pole and swing down by their feet. Not enough tequila in PV for me to do that.....and obviously no OSHA offices down here.

Complete with fireworks......

An excellent Mariachi band with horns and strings.....CHA...CHA...CHA.

Erin's going " clubbin' "
....and I'm going to bed.

Erin tries on the table centerpiece for size......

I've finally got my retirement plan figured out.....
Wal-Mart Greeter by day....
Singing Caballero on a dancing horse by night......


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