Monday, January 31, 2011
What IS the internet anyways????? it me or does Bryant look like an Oompa Loompa?
Buckley, MI
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Behind the Mouse.....
....which explains the $87.33 daily ticket price.
Only $669.89 for an annual pass.....
in case you've got a hankering for Mickey
Friday, January 28, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

he is back on the ballot....
and on the blog!!
Congrats to Mz. Maggie Pollard for having this week's first correct answer.....
Rahm Israel Emanuel
--Mr. "Flashdance" studied ballet as a youth....and is a graduate of the Evanston School of Ballet.
--Was awarded a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet.....but turned it down.
--Had part of his middle finger on his right hand amputated....
after cutting it on a slicer while working at Arby's in his youth.
--Currently out of work....
but should be employed in a few months I'm guessing.
Geneseo, IL
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

welcome to another Tuesday.
First email to to correctly name the prancer above....
will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
- His mother once owned a Rock-n-Roll Club.
- Starts every morning with a 5am swim.
- Met his wife on a blind date.
- Once made over $18 million in one year.
- Currently looking for work.
Canton, OH
Monday, January 24, 2011
My Kinda Town.......
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Big ol' Jet Airliner.....
Each yellow dot represents a plane...
This video shows a 24 hour period...
Notice the Daytime/Nightime shifts...
I feel safer now.
Friday, January 21, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

Patrick Joseph "Pat" Quinn III
Congrats to Mr. James M.F. Farrell on his correct winning answer arriving minutes in front of the pack!! Your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!
--He is a III....his son is a IV.....and there is NO first..... lady!
--He received a Juris Doctor degree from Northwestern's School of Law.
--Always on the weekend news....always...always...always!!
--Once walked the state from East to West while running for Lt. Gov.
--Not crazy about the tax hike....but it could be worse...we could live in WI!!
Rogers, OH
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I wonder what Walt would think......
....real cool animation if you have 10 mins.
A far cry from the original Mickey Mouse.
Oregon, OH
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

So I have given up on all of my New Year's Resolutions...
but Trivia Tuesdays must go on!!
First email to to correctly name the homely gentleman above.....
will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
- Good Irish-Catholic boy who is a third and has a fourth but no first.
- You could call him Dr. Law!!
- rarely takes a day off...
- likes the spotlight.....especially on weekends.
- he once took a walk from Lake Michigan to the Mississippi River.
- cost me a few grand.
Alanson, MI
Alanson, MI
Monday, January 17, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Saturday, January 15, 2011
ABE @#&!*% GIBRON.....
To all of you losers from a few weeks ago....
Abe Gibron was a real person.
Best coach ever....
I have vivid memories of my dad screaming
at Abe and Bobby Douglas on Sunday afternoons in the early '70s.
After watching this....
you'll will see that my dad was more qualified to coach the Bears than Abe was.
Go Bears!
Friday, January 14, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

25 years ago this week....
was the last time I "really" cared about the Bears.
We had just finished stomping our way through the playoffs...
The Superbowl Shuffle was in heavy rotation....
and we were on our way to New Orleans.
All led by our fearless leader.....
James Robert "Jim" McMahon, Jr.
Don't expect a repeat of all of that excitement this year...
as Sunday will be the last game of the year I'm afraid.
Congrats to John McNally...
for not only winning this week's TT....
but also waking my ass up out of bed this morning.
Patience my friend!
Your GRAND PRIZE will be on it's way shortly!!
--was in Iraq in 2006 on a visit to support the troops.
--hate to admit it....but he does have a Packer Super Bowl Ring too!!
--At the age of six, while trying to untie a knot in a toy gun holster with a fork, he accidentally severed the retina in his right eye when the fork slipped.
Danville, IL
....and to all of you Abe Gibron haters from a few weeks ago,
Stay tuned to tomorrow BLOG....
it a Bears Weekend!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

of stumping you all for the remainder of 2011.
First email to to correctly name the man above will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
- Born in Jersey City, New Jersey.....
- Was in Iraq in 2006.....
- High school and college punter.....
- Owner of 2 Super Bowl rings....
- Once had a fork in the eye....
- married once.....4 kids.
Parkman, OH
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Dick Clark's got nothin' on Big Ben.......
Ball drop....
schmal drop.
...this is INSANE!!!!!!
(wait for the big finale!!)
Seems like you would be shell shocked sitting in the
London Eye on New Year's Eve.....
Friday, January 7, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

Floyd Kalber was this week's mystery man.
Born in Nebraska....he shifted from radio to television in the early '50's.
Mentored Tom Brokaw in Tom's early days.....
started at NBC 5 in Chicago....then to New York on the Today Show.....
retired and then ABC 7 brought him out of retirement for another 14 years.
Surprisingly was always the #1 top rated news program for all of those 14 years.
Died in 2004 at age 79 from emphysema.
Click on the link from 1967 looks a lot different.
(but still funny that weatherman always miss the snow....
watch Harry Volkman apologize...only a few weeks after the BIG '67 snow!)
Sandusky, OH
Thursday, January 6, 2011
How's that New Years diet coming.....
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

back to work and to the first installment of Trivia Tuesday for 2011!!
My New Year Resolution is to stump you for the next 52 weeks straight....
so here goes.....
First email to to correctly name the shiny faced gentleman above will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!
- The mystery man and his brothers lived in an orphanage due to their parents divorce.
- Spent a couple of years in the Army during WWII
- Married once......for 57 years.
- An original....a the top of his game at the time.
- Liked odd numbers like 7 & 5.
- In his later years.....would have oxygen under his desk.....out of view.
Sandwich, IL
Monday, January 3, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
New Years Resolution......
No Texting & Driving people!
I see this on the road too often....
this is worth the 10 minute view.
Happy New Year!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year and a CHA...CHA...CHA!!
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