Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wizard of 4 minutes.
With a cool soundtrack....
with actual Oz samples.
Listen closely.
This one might be better....
if you're on acid.
Carrollton, OH
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Trivia Tuesday.....

- Not the Brady Bunch.....but there are 6 kids.
- Dad was born in Iowa
- Married his H.S. sweetheart more than 50+ years ago...
- a one time pill pusher....
- currently resides in Indiana...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
We have a Wiener!!

I have been intrigued with the "Mayhem Guy" from the Allstate commercials for awhile now....funny what a little advertising can do for a company.
But what I didn't know was that Dean Winters (the actor) is obviously a little more popular than I may have thought.
So this week's winner goes to Mz. Mary Pollard...whoot...whoot.
Not the first one in but I have to keep a balance in that Pollard household.
-- A couple of years ago...he developed a bad bacterial infection where he collapsed at his doctor's office and while being transported to the hospital...his heart stopped beating for almost 3 minutes. Over the next 12 months...he developed gangrene and had a couple of his toes and thumb amputated.
Westport, IN
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Trivia Tuesday.....

Welcome to the first TT of summer!!
...and to celebrate summer I am going to give you a little break this week
- TV regular.....I saw him recently on "30 Rock"
- missing a couple of toes and a thumb
- heart once stopped for almost 3 minutes
- Italian and Irish
- you wouldn't want to run into him.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Flower Talk....

So now that summer is almost here....a quick flower update.
Dahlias are growing like weeds out on the corner which will ensure flowers "as big as my head" in a few short weeks.
No Gutter Garden this year due to time constraints.....
but I have not given up!!
I pulled all of the remaining rose bushes on the side of the house and planted this garden a few weeks ago....
I like to call it my
"I don't know what it is so don't ask me" Garden.
Caitlin, IL
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

Gerald Norman "Jerry" Springer....takes the prize.
--Born in London during the WWII German bombing raids.
--was once Mayor of Cincinnati, OH...until he hired a hooker.
--ran for Congress and Governor in Ohio....
thought about Senate but decided against it.
--Law Degree from Northwestern.
--Political advisor for RFK's Presidential run in '68
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Trivia Tuesday.....

- Was born "across the pond"...
- You can call him ...."Mayor"
- and once ran for for Congress...
- and for Governor....
- and almost for Senate.
- Has a law degree.....
- Was once a political adviser for a major Presidential candidate....
- Has one daughter who is blind and partially deaf.....
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Song of the Week.....
......might be my favorite Dylan song.
This one is almost 30 years old....
Bob just hit 70 a few weeks ago.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

with the correct answer....
Judy Garland...aka....Frances Ethel Gumm
Most hints are self explanatory...
-Distant relative (3rd cousin) to Ulysses S. Grant.
Didja know...that on the day she died there was a tornado in Kansas.
Great hint...but way too easy!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Trivia Tuesday...and a CHA...CHA...CHA!!

- Would have been 89 this week!
- Married 5 times...
- Had her own television show....
- Her dad was in the closet....and not cleaning the closet.
- Had a former U.S. President as a distant cousin....
- Oscar Nominee...
- Grammy winner...
- Has her own stamp....
- I.R.S was not her friend...

I closed on the house in Lockport by day and had a baby by night.
(..... actually "I" didn't have the baby..
but I helped Mar with her breathing...hee..hoo..hee..hoo)
Fowler, IN
Monday, June 6, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Back home....
But you know you're out too late when you're
eating White Castles and more onions are on your lap then in your mouth.
Took the school tour with Mr. Guerin at 6pm...
and par for the course I was running a little late.
Which was odd because Jim Farrell was at the school before I was....
and that NEVER happened when we were younger.
Mr. Guerin and the rest of the tour then proceeded over to Grouchos for a pretty great night....lots of fun with friends that didn't have any problems picking up the conversations after 35 years. Mr. Guerin looks better now than you can imagine.....he was only 29 when he had us as his first class.....really committed guy. Not a lot of $$ to work with keeping up the school and a lot of the additions and improvements have come from a lot of sweat and blood from him and other parishioners.
The old gym.....listen closely and you can still hear Mr. Carlson's whistle.

Considering how large the Chicagoland area is....
I think we lived in the best square mile in town.
Friday, June 3, 2011
35 years......really?
Well....tonight's the night.
The hunt that started on New Years Day to find all of the 192 graduates of the St. Bede Class of 1976 is over......and the party begins.
Principal Guerin will welcome his first graduating class
to tour the school tonight at 6pm and then will follow us to Groucho's.
Not too often you get to drink with your Grammar School Principal.
--8 out of the 192 are no longer with us....
(kind of shocking to find obits when "Googling" ones former classmates)
--5 out of the 192 are still MIA?
People coming from Arizona, Minnesota, Florida, Massachusetts, and even London.
Doctors, Lawyers, Nurses, City Workers, CEOs,
Bankers, stay-at home Moms, entrepreneurs,
....should be a fun mix.
No nuns invited.
83rd & Kostner
Thursday, June 2, 2011
You know you're in Grand Rapids when....
...used to love this song.
...then it got tired....
...think I like it again.
One take.
Marion, IL
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Ashland, KY
Dawn Elizabeth Rhash, 49, was arrested last
Saturday after deputies said she was involved
in a food fight with her roommate,
reports the Naples Daily News.
It was the old kitchen food feud:
Her food v. his food.
That's when Rhash allegedly threw butter
at her roommate striking him in the leg.
And that's no county crock.
Rhash told deputies that she had been
drinking vodka and denied trying to
butter-up her roommate.
Hope all churns out well for them.
But in the meantime,
this duo could use some Smart Balance.