Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
You know....when you WIN TRIVIA TUESDAY.....
you are allowed to sleep in!!
Congratulations to ME.....for stumping all of you.
(I know you played 'cause I see your clicks!)
This week's winning answer was Mr. Edward Joseph Farmer...
aka "Farmio" from the Chicago White Sox Radio Network.
If you watch the Sox games on TV with Hawk....I'm so sorry that you don't realize what you're missing on the radio. As an extra bonus when I am in southern Indiana...there is a Spanish radio station near the 670 dial...and it sounds like Farmer and DJ are broadcasting from a Mexican bordello.....not that I would know what a Mexican bordello sounds like....but let's move on!!
- Southside guy from St. Thomas More who went to St. Rita H.S.
- Drafted by Cleveland right out of High School.
- Signed by Jerry Krause....yeah...that Jerry Krause.
- In '79...while pitching for the Rangers....he hit 2 KC Royals players in one game.He broke Frank White's hand...and fractured Al Cowens jaw (for apparently looking back at the catcher to see his mitt placement)
- Cowens never forgot...a year later, Cowens was playing for Detroit and Farmer for our White Sox...Cowens came up to bat against Farmer for the first time since the incident a year before. Cowens hits the ball to the shortstop....but instead of running to first base, he runs directly at the pitchers mound to take out a years worth of frustration on Ed.
- I remember seeing this on the news back in the day....but can't find a clip of it was a riot.
- Farmer has an arrest warrant issued for Cowens the next day...and Cowens had to miss the next trip to Comiskey with the Tigers due to it.
- Farmer agreed to drop the charges and they finally shook hands and made good at home plate before their last game on Sept 1st 1980.
- Cowens died of a heart attack at age 50 about 10 years ago.
- We both started our "careers" at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, IL
- He had a Kidney Replacement back in '91....received it from his brother Tom who was a friend of my Uncle Jim...this is where it gets foggy...
....back to bed.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
You know you're an electrician from Indiana when....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

I present you with this week's Cleveland inspired TT mystery.
First email to to correctly name the Indian above will win this week's GRAND PRIZE and TT Bragging Rights for the next 7 days!!
- Spent this past weekend with him.....well kinda.
- Played in both the National & American League.
- Was an All-Star.
- Once took 2 players out in the same game by breaking their bones.
- Inspired a player to forget about running to 1st base after getting a base hit.
- We were both born at the same hospital.
- I once sat in his Corvette.
Tekonsha, MI
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sox Win(ning Ugly)!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
18 hours left in Cleveland....
"Uh-huh...that's right....we're from gotta problem with dat!?"
Bad started raining at 7:05....and 2 hours later they called it.
Back to the park for a 1:05 start on Sunday....hopefully minus the rain.
I overdosed on Dippin' Dots....but I'll be OK!
Danny and I took a tour of the USS Cod submarine that is docked on the shores of Lake Erie.
(Danny on the artillery gun looking for Japs over Lake Erie.)
Pretty amazing that this beast was built back in the 40's with the limited technology that was available at the time. You can climb down to the torpedo launch levels...sleeping quarters...engine rooms...etc.
Everything is left intact including manuals, logs, US Navy kitchenware....GE washer...40's era green floor tile...and nothing is cordoned off from touching. You can lay in a bunk or sit down in the galley...old b/w pics from the '40s posted in the same room that you are in....with the same equipment from the '40. Pretty surreal seeing those pics and realizing that this was one of WWII's ironhorses. I would highly recommend seeing this if ever in Cleveland....very informative.
Warning>>You must be somewhat athletic and nimble to manuever around the sub.
When we went down the first galley ladder...
I was worried I would be stuck like Augustus Glopp.
(that was a good line...worth a Google if you don't get it)
Check out the Wiki link>>>>
The McNally's rocked the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!
Now I must admit....I though this was going to be kind of cheesy.
But I was wonderfully proven wrong....we spent a quick 3 hours here and I could have stayed all day.
Tons of memorabilia and trivia from all genres of music...
Punk to Elvis....Hip Hop to Country Swing....they have it all covered.
Very busy today due to the Sox being in town....would be a great place to spend a rainy Tuesday at....
if you are a fan of music, you could really spend all day here.
A "must" return someday.
Moses Cleaveland, OH
Saturday, July 23, 2011
42 Hours in Cleveland.....

..........I know it sounds like a bad Eddie Murphy movie.
My advice to you is this...
When your kids ask you to go to a Sox game "this weekend"...
make sure you know where they are playing BEFORE you answer.
One W in the books....going to buy a broom.
Cleveland, OH
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sometimes you have to stop and smell......

This was on my car as I was leaving Marion.
So Katie....
why is it that we are not scared of big,
blue butterflys that are the size of my head....
but little blue dragonflys scare the bejeezus out of us?
Dragonflys are gettin' a bad rap man!
Takonsha, MI
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
...and you thought I had too much time on MY hands!!

"Starting in July 2011 I aim to walk from Perth (Western Australia) to Sydney (New South Wales). Over the course of the trek I will cross 4 states and cover approximately 5000km's in modified stormtrooper armour. The plan for now is to push a lightweight buggy with needed supplies an average distance of 35-40km's for 5 days a week until the trek is complete."
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Technical Difficulties.....

Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Good deed....gone bad.

Friday, July 15, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
You know you're in the Hood when.....
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Trivia Tuesday!!

- born and raised in Illinois.
- son of an electrician.
- once battled alcoholism.
- married to an attorney.
- author of over a dozen books.
- movie screenwriter.
- Has a Pulitzer Prize and a Hollywood Star....
- His phalanx is trademarked.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Streaker vs. Window.....
IMPOSSIBLE not to laugh....
and I don't care how many times you watch it...
it keeps delivering!!
Thanks to Mr. Farrell.
South Bend, IN
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Tokin' on the Lawrence Welk Show....
Watching some classic Lawrence Welk last week and saw this song pop up....
interesting.....a "modern spiritual" claims Lawrence at the end.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
You know you're in Indiana shopping for fireworks when....
Monday, July 4, 2011
Fun at the old!

Windy City Thunderbolts>>>>>>> 2
# of dollars for a Bud>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5
Southern Miner Mascots>>>>>>>>>>> 4
# of dollars for parking >>>>>>>>>>>>3
# of managers thrown out >>>>>>>>>>1
# of loser 2nd basemans >>>>>>>>>>>1
# of Bud's sold after 9pm >>>>>>>>>>0
Almost starting a fight with the opposing loser 2nd baseman......
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
We Have a Wiener!!!