Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Party is Over.....

So after a long weekend here at the Derby....
Here are some leftover pics from a great weekend.
165,307 attendance on Saturday alone was a new record.....too crazy.

I overheard an old-timer at the betting window today say....
"You know you had a good Derby weekend.....
if you wake up on Sunday morning......."
.....and then he walked away.
I was waiting for the punchline....
but I think that waking up on Sunday morning was the punchline.

Mr. Calvin Borel....
who lost me more money this weekend than my '68 Nova.....
may have had a horse with a broken ankle in "Take Charge Indy" on Derby Day.
X-rays are set for Monday......sorry for the bad tip.

 Tim celebrating his $2.80 winnings...


Leaving on Derby Saturday.....

I started coming here in 1982 with "Gato del Sol"....
I have invested in and have seen most of these over the last 30 years.

So much for "playing names".....
Mr. LUCKIE CHUCKIE was not so "fuckie lucky" Chuckie Pollard.
(say that 10 times fast!!)

Token annual postcard shot....

I now have my own bookie at the Outlook Inn in Luhville.....
best bar in Luhville.

 Only in Luhville.....

Railbird Tim looking REALLY close for a winner.

Heading home....

Luhville, KY

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