.....and the winner is ME!!
So maybe it was too tough....
or maybe you were all shopped out and were napping
due to overdosing on tryptophan.....
but it's been a while since I pulled one out so I'll take it!!
Charles Monroe Schultz is sharing the stage with
Ronald Wilson Reagan celebrating the Apollo 10 mission.
Lunar module and the Command module were called Snoopy and
Charles "Charlie" Brown.
--Same birth date as another famous American.....ME!!
--Born in the great cold state of Minnesota.
--Which by the way is as just as boring as Iowa with a few extra lakes.
--His second wife survived an attempted kidnapping in 1988.
--Was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal....
--With Ron Paul casting the only NO vote.
--Annually in the Top 10 of highest deceased wage earners.
--Sonoma County, California Airport is named after him.
--As a kid I thought it would be a cool job to be a cartoonist....
Not that I had any skill in drawing....
but I thought that I could come up with ONE daily joke that was
funnier than "Nancy"
or "Family Circus" for Gods Sake.
......and that's how the blog started.
Tomah, WI