Now if this was FINAL JEOPARDY........and I was a "dick" like Alex Trebek....
ALL you folks who spelt Pete Townshend, without the "h" in his last name...would go home bigger losers than you already are......but since I will have to see most of you at some time in the near future....
I must begrudgingly pick a winner!
(I won't even mention the Chuck B
Arry entry)
MR. PETER RUDDY was the first (almost grammatically) correct winner with not 1....not 2....but ALL 3 of the correct names of this week's TT's Mystery Men Trio.
Your Grand Prize adorned with a Simpson's Stamp will be on it's way to you soon.
Chuck Berry...Pete Townshend...and Billy Joel were on hand for the groundbreaking of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Ohio circa 1993.Not sure if Mr. Ruddy got this week's answer because there was a Brit in it....or if as a lad...was in the audience in Coventry, England where Chuck Berry recorded his only # 1 hit...."My Ding-a-Ling" in the early 70's.... live.
Let us see what these 3 are up to now-a-days ......shall we?
Mr. Chuck Berry.....At 82 years old....he still rocks out.....on the second or third Wednesday of the month, to a SOLD-OUT crowd at Blueberry Hill's Duck Room in St. Louis, MO. (Let me know if you're up for a road trip)
His next show is August 12th and tickets go on sale TODAY. I went to see him perform in 1979 at Chicagofest at Navy Pier......I saw the last song of his first 2:00pm set (My Ding-a-Ling)....and went back for his 7:00pm show....but the IRS beat me to it. Chuck has the knack for performing only when he receives a shoe box full of cash.....this was well known apparently to the I.R.S.
Not to worry.....The Blues Brothers and Chuck's backup band came out about an hour later to do about an hour show. Pretty Cool.....but seeing Chuck.....Cooler!
Mr. Pete TownsHend...of The Who.
Although having never seen The Who live....I did receive for Christmas "The Who Movie". Check out the website for some pretty cool clips.... http://www.thewhomovie.com/
Pretty awesome footage over 4 decades.....after seeing this I went out and bought Quadrophenia and Pete's "Empty Glass" on CD.
You should too.......Timeless.
Mr. Billy Joel...(or Jim Cramer....or Dean Richards)
At 60 years old.....he looks every day of it! WOW....it must be all those trees he hits!!
Just played Wrigley Field last night with Sir Elton John. I did see Billy and Elton in concert about 5 years ago with my "wifey".....thought it was going to be a lame "Vegas type" show. Elton came out first and blew everyone away....and I thought...."Billy has a tough act to follow". Billy came out and tore the roof off.....it was a good night!!
Interesting fact.....Billy has not released a Pop album since 1993!!?? Almost 16 years ago.....he did write a classical album....but you wonder what we may have missed out on over the last 16 years. Although known for his Top Ten videos of the 80's...he still is a great songwriter with several gems over his career.....go back and listen to "The Stranger"
I did recently buy "The Nylon Curtain" on CD....my favorite album of his was simply played out and it was nice to hear it again without all of the pops and scratches that my brother Tim put in it.
Springfield, IL